Monday, September 15, 2008


Oh my lord. If it couldn't get any better, I am already ahead of a trend that the NYTimes reported on! Glamping. I have been referring to my overall style as Granola Glam for awhile now, and I find it so exquisite that there is actually something to this.

However, my idea of Granola Glam is slightly different than Glamping. If I go camping, I am going to do it right...sleep on the ground, with the bugs, in a tent, getting sweaty, being uncomfortable, eating Clif bars, the whole nine yards. (Granola) But then the next day, I could just as easily be going out to some trendy bar in my 3 inch heels, donning my new Prada purse (who are we kidding, Coach purse), and ordering wine like a pro. (Glam)

For me, this is just part of the dichotomy that is my life. I pride myself on being easy-going and low maintenance (I am sure my boyfriend would disagree). I used to think this was odd behavior..commit to one lifestyle already, but now I think it's a unique way of being, and I think everyone should try to step out of the comfort zone and do something opposite from what they "think" they should be.

Thank you to my sister for sending this through!

The ultimate experiment

This is my first official blog post! I’ve finally jumped into the murky waters of the blogosphere and started my own. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now, but something about putting my thoughts online for all to see was slightly terrifying, slightly thrilling, and probably not even really a big deal.

There is something sort of vain about writing a blog (what kind of qualifications do I have that people will actually want to read what I write?), so just to set the record straight there are a few actual reasons I am beginning this blog.

I am considering a career switch into journalism. I know, I know, everyone wants to be a journalist. This experiment could be a catastrophic failure, or a brilliant diversion. Either way I thought that perhaps I should start writing before I make such a drastic switch.

Also, I am enrolled in a Graduate level intro journalism class which requires me to regularly update a blog. The topics they are giving me are not very thrilling to write about, so hopefully they will be within more amusing topics.

That's it for now. Stay tuned.